Saturday, September 18, 2004

Thank you, Frodo

RATHER: Well, because I think [President Bill Clinton] is. I think at core, [Clinton]'s an honest person. I know that you have a different view. I know that you consider it sort of astonishing anybody would say so. But I think you can be an honest person and lie about any number of things.

O'REILLY: Really?

RATHER: Yes, I do.


Ghost Dansing said...

Matt Drudge, who has been pushing the CBS document forgery story for all it's worth, has taken it upon himself to do some real reporting. He tracked down and interviewed Marion Carr Knox, Colonel Jerry Killian's former secretary at the Texas Air National Guard.

Ms. Knox, according to Drudge, worked for the Texas Air National Guard (or TANG) from 1957 until retirement in 1979 and served as Colonel Killian's secretary for the entirety of George W. Bush's assignment to the TANG.

Knox confirms what many believe — that the memorandums shown on 60 Minutes II are forgeries, as Drudge reports. Knox adds a twist, however. She says that "I did not type these particular memos. I typed memos like these. I typed memos that had this information in them, but I did not type these memos."

"What really hecked me off was when it was somebody on TV, associated with the White House, who said that all of this information was lies. And I got excited at the time because I knew that I had typed documents with this information because a person like Bush stood out from the others -- because of his association with his father," Knox says.

Anonymous said...

Niiice. Great picture.

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