Saturday, July 31, 2004

A Baby Bounce? or No Bounce?

Newsweek conducted a poll saying that Kerry now has a 5 point lead coming out of the convention. But you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to discover how unreliable this poll is:
For the NEWSWEEK poll, Princeton Survey Research Associates interviewed 1,010 adults aged 18 and older July 29 and July 30 by telephone. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
What do you notice about the sample group? It's a group of only "adults" not registered voters or likely voters. Read more about how polls are misleading at Crush Kerry. Also, Captain Ed at Captain's Quarters has a great analysis here.


From Drudge:
Bush leading 50 to 47 among likely voters in new GALLUPUSATODAYCNN poll
CNN -- Late Edition Primetime
Sun Aug 01 2004

WOLF: we're also getting new information, the first new poll numbers since the democratic convention. they're coming in right now and they're showing an apparent difference between registered voters and likely voters. here to explain exactly what's going on our senior political analyst bill schneider. bill, this is the latest cnn/""usa today""/gallup poll. these are numbers that were completely taken, this poll since john kerry's acceptance speech. i want to show our viewers what the numbers show so far. among registered voters, this is important, registered voters, john kerry is now at 50% compared to george w. bush at 47%. you see what it was before the convention, 49/45 in favor of kerry. among likely voters, though, take a look at this. a difference, likely voters, 50% for bush, 47% for kerry. a reversal, the margin of error, though, 3% in this poll you see. well, first of all, explain the difference between registered and likely voters.

SCHNEIDER: wolf, about three-quarters of americans are registered to vote but in the presidential election typically only about half or a little bit over half will turn out to vote. so what the gallup poll does is screen people according to their interests, their intention to vote, their enthusiasm and screen out the 50% who in the typical presidential election are likely to vote. so, if this election is a typical presidential election, the likely voters show a slight lead for bush but if turnout is higher than that, and we get more registered voters actually voting that should help kerry.

WOLF: what do these numbers say about the so-called bounce out of this democratic convention?

SCHNEIDER: no bounce and that's striking. they show there might have been a very brief bounce, not a bounce but a blip i'd call it among people interviewed on friday after the convention kerry was ahead by five points. we continued to interview on saturday and those people -- bush moved into a slight lead of two points. we will continue to interview people but this looks like the shortest bounce on record.

WOLF: is that because the country basically had already made up their mind? there wasn't a whole lot of room for undecides? that's what the democrats keep saying.

SCHNEIDER: looks like they had a point. what we're see showing is before the convention the democrats were hugely enthusiastic about voting. over three-quarters said they were more enthusiastic than usual. after the convention the number of democrats who said they were enthusiastic went up only slightly. they already had their bounce but what really changed is that the republicans, the bush voters went way up in enthusiasm gaining eight points so it looks like, yes, the convention rallied voters but it rallied republicans more than democrats. the only good news for democrat, democrats are still more enthusiastic about voting than republicans are.

Current Reading

I just finished Intelligence Failure and started Reckless Disregard.

Intelligence Failure will make you hopping mad over all the missed opportunities to get Usama Bin Laden and how a decade and millions of dollars were wasted sending CIA officers to "sensitivity" training and other politically correct nonsense.

Friday, July 30, 2004


Comedy Central's new show is a riot. I saw the episode with people debating sexual education and thought it was hilarious. The title of the show is a blending of Chris Matthews' "Hardball" and "Crossfire" on CNN with the very handsome Tucker Carlson.

Jacob Sullum writes about the irony of the new show:
"Crossballs" is at least as edifying as the typical TV debate show -- and a lot more entertaining. But it poses a serious puzzle: How is it that the real guests don't realize the fake guests are fake?

One possibility is that the positions staked out by the comics pretending to be experts are what we've come to expect from TV pundits: strong beliefs backed up by little more than bold assertions and bluster. When a marijuana activist played by Matt Besser (co-creator and executive producer of "Crossballs") begins a segment about drugs by declaring, "I think we all agree that pot is good for everyone," his debating style does not seem very different from what you can see on "The O'Reilly Factor" any given evening.

Finally, a Great Ad!

The Kerry Doctrine

Hugh Hewitt hits the nail on the head:
From the just released excerpts of John Kerry's remarks tonight:

"I defended this country as a young man and I will defend it as President. Let there be no mistake: I will never hesitate to use force when it is required. Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response. I will never give any nation or international institution a veto over our national security. And I will build a stronger American military."

This is an extraordinary statement for at least two reasons.

First, that Kerry has to make these assurances is an admission that the public's doubts about his credibility as commander-in-chief are deep and enduring. The promises of a few minutes cannot overcome a record of thirty years. When Kerry says he will build a stronger American military, it is like hearing Michael Moore promise that his next feature film will be pro-Bush. Both statements proceed from fixed records that impeach them even as they hit paper.

Second, it is clear that even on this night when America is asking what would Kerry do about growing threats like that in Iran, and Kerry's answer is clear: "Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response." The Kerry Doctrine: Once we get clobbered, I'll try and figure out how to strike back.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Speakout Radio!

I've gotten to know Steve Myers (former speech writer for Margaret Thatcher) over the last many months. He is a wonderful person, great patriot and strident Christian.

Hosts Speakout Radio

Founder of the American Renewal Network

Editor of PageOne News

And all around WONDERFUL guy

LIVE Saturdays at 5 pm Eastern, 2 pm Pacific
Send a message on AIM or Yahoo to: speakoutlive
Call the live broadcast on (877) 600 1776
Listen live or hear the archived show here

Quote of the Day!

[this is paraphrased because it was on television and I didn't type fast enough]

Reporter: Do you think that Michael Moore's Farhenheit 9/11 is having an effect on the election?

Rudy Giuliani: I can't comment on the movie because I haven't seen it, but trust me: I don't need Michael Moore to tell me about September 11th!


Hope Is on the Way

John Edwards proclaimed several times last night that, "Hope is on the way." Let's look at the hope we will have if Kerry/Edwards are elected:

1. We will HOPE that we get to keep our own money.

2. We will HOPE that our troops are not treated like those in Vietnam.

3. We will HOPE that all the doctors in this country don't close up shop.

4. We will HOPE that we can still say "under God" and "in God We Trust."

5. We will HOPE that France and Germany will sprout a real fighting force to assist us in the war on terror.

6. We will HOPE that Edwards will speak for the unborn getting their brains vacuumed out during a partial-birth abortion like he did for the unborn who made him mega-rich.

7. We will HOPE that John Edwards un-incorporates himself so he can pay income taxes and medicare like the rest of us.

8. We will HOPE that Kerry/Edwards will not sell Israel to the highest bidder simply to get us "respect" in the world.

9. We will HOPE that North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lybia, Cuba, Sudan, China and the EU do NOT find a "new" friend in the United States.

10. We will HOPE that that we will retain our citizenship and not be held to UN mandates and the International Court.

11. We will HOPE to be alive in 2008 to vote them out of office.

Yet Another Reason to Vote Republican

The legendary villian of the Apprentice, Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, was sited at the DNC:
Even with all the attention on the singers, the cameras on the floor of the convention space were nearly piled on top of one another in an effort to get a glimpse of former reality show contestant Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth. Omarosa, as she is more casually known, kept the cameras at attention for at least 45 minutes and even after she walked from the FleetCenter out onto the sidewalk, she still had a few fellows keeping court for several more minutes.
Her fellow contestants reviled her as a B.A.P., she cried like a baby when she was fired and then went around the country saying the cast called her a "n!gger." Here is her bio:
Omarosa is a former political appointee in the Clinton and Gore White House. She currently works as a political consultant in Washington, DC. Omarosa had a humble youth, growing up in the projects of Youngstown, Ohio, but she eventually graduated from Central State University. She also earned a Master's degree from Howard University and is now working toward her Ph.D, which should be awarded to her in the spring of 2004. Omarosa's hobby is pageantry and she enjoys working as an image consultant who has successfully trained a Miss USA, Miss Taiwan and Miss Guyana.

Call-back Interview!

Any prayers people can send up will be appreciated. I am going for my call-back interview at the Small Business Administration! Yeah!

The Real John Forbes Kerry

#2 on here.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Michael Moore Was in Vietnam!

Filming staged reinactments of Kerry's "heroism." The RNC has a great Moore style documentary detailing Kerry's war record on Iraq. Read this at Drudge Report:

A bombshell new book written by the man who took over John Kerry's Swift Boat charges: Kerry reenacted combat scenes for film while in Vietnam!

The footage is at the center of a growing controversy in Boston.

The official convention video introducing Kerry is directed by Steven Spielberg protégé James Smoll.

Smoll was given hours of Kerry's homemade 8 millimeter film to incorporate into the convention short, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"Kerry carried a home movie camera to record his exploits for later viewing," charges a naval officer in the upcoming book UNFIT FOR COMMAND.

"Kerry would revisit ambush locations for reenacting combat scenes where he would portray the hero, catching it all on film. Kerry would take movies of himself walking around in combat gear, sometimes dressed as an infantryman walking resolutely through the terrain. He even filmed mock interviews of himself narrating his exploits. A joke circulated among Swiftees was that Kerry left Vietnam early not because he received three Purple Hearts, but because he had recorded enough film of himself to take home for his planned political campaigns."

UNFIT FOR COMMAND, Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, will be unleashed next month by REGNERY. [It ranked #1,318 on the AMAZON hitparade Wednesday morning.]

The films shot by Kerry's own Super 8 millimeter hand-held movie camera have the grainy quality of home movies.

The BOSTON GLOBE reported in 1996 that the Kerry home movies "reveal something indelible about the man who shot them - the tall, thin, handsome Naval officer seen striding through the reeds in flak jacket and helmet, holding aloft the captured B-40 rocket. The young man so unconscious of risk in the heat of battle, yet so focused on his future ambitions that he would reenact the moment for film. It is as if he had cast himself in the sequel to the experience of his hero, John F. Kennedy, on the PT-109."

"John was thinking Camelot when he shot that film, absolutely," says Thomas Vallely, a fellow veteran and one of Kerry's closest political advisers and friends.

NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson in his new book RECKLESS DISREGARD, details one of the claimed Kerry reenactments for film:

"On February 28, 1969, now in charge of PCF 94, Kerry came under fire from an enemy location on the shore. The crew's gunner returned fire, hitting and wounding the lone gunman. Kerry directed the boat to charge the enemy position. Beaching his boat, Kerry jumped off, chased the wounded insurgent behind a thatched hutch, and killed him. Kerry and his crew returned within days, armed with a Super 8 video camera he had purchased at the post exchange at Cam Ranh Bay, and reenacted the skirmish on film."

Brave New World

My disgust for Ron Reagan Jr. grows every time I see him lauded into the spotlight only for his bloodline.

Speaking of bloodlines, Ron Reagan Jr. gave a speech last night which condoned human cloning to harvest their organs...
BEYOND THE IMPLICIT dishonesty (Ron never mentioned Alzheimer's in his speech) was the dishonesty in what the former ballerina actually said. First, Reagan described the process of cloning, but refused to call it that. In his words:
The nucleus of one of your cells is placed into a donor egg whose own nucleus has been removed. A bit of chemical or electrical stimulation will encourage your cell's nucleus to begin dividing, creating new cells which will then be placed into a tissue culture.
Timothy P. Carney at American Spectator

Beware of Obama; GOP Better for Blacks

Barak Obama is an accomplished and highly educated man running for US Senate in Illinois as a Democrat on a socialist platform. The funny thing is that he is being lauded on the front page of most newspapers today with the soundbite, "he will be the only black senator." What they leave out is that he will actually be the fifth black senator where three were REPUBLICANS (Carol Mosley Braun was the first black democrat senator--thanks, Tyler). Are the Democrats really the party of opportunity?

Now to Obama's voting record:


Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama's vote AGAINST tougher sentences for sexual predators surfaced Tuesday prior to his keynote address to the Democratic National Convention in Boston.

In 1999 Obama cast the lone vote against a proposed Illinois law to deny early release on the grounds of "good behavior" for felons incarcerated for criminal sexual offenses, said a group identifying itself as the "Obama Truth Squad."

Known in Illinois as Senate Bill 485, it provided that a person in a county jail, "May not receive a good behavior allowance if he or she is convicted of criminal sexual assault in which the victim was under 18 years of age at the time of the offense" or was "a family member" or if "he or she is convicted of criminal sexual abuse or aggravated criminal sexual abuse."

Obama voted against the measure, which became law on July 15, 1999, the group said, in a news release timed to coincide with Obama's speech to Boston delegates of the Democratic convention.
Michelle Malkin:

Best description of Hot New Democratic Young Thing Barak Obama: Jim Geraghty over at the Kerry Spot calls him "Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford 2.0."
Republicans are the racists you say??? KNOW YOUR HISTORY!

The first African-American Senators and Representatives to serve in Congress -- all Republicans: (Left to right) Senator Hiram Revels of Mississippi, Representatives Benjamin Turner of Alabama, Robert DeLarge of South Carolina, Josiah Walls of Florida, Jefferson Long of Georgia, Joseph Rainey and Robert Elliott of South Carolina. (1871)

A little background from the House Policy Committee:

In February, Republican Members of Congress are celebrating Black History Month by marking our 150th anniversary of Republican civil rights achievement.

The Republican Party was founded 150 years ago to oppose pro-slavery Democrat policies. Against fierce Democrat opposition, we enacted the 13th Amendment banning slavery, the 14th Amendment extending the Bill of Rights to the states, and the 15th Amendment granting voting rights to African-Americans. For the first 80 years of the Republican Party's existence, we were the only major party that provided a political home for African-Americans. Until well into the 20th century, every African-American Member of Congress was a Republican. The same was true for nearly all state legislators and other elected officials throughout the country. The Republican Party is now, and always has been, the most consistent champion of equal rights for all citizens.

In 1920, African-American women joined African-American men at the polling booths. Thirty-two years earlier, Republican U.S. Senator Aaron Sargent of California successfully offered the Susan B. Anthony amendment to the Constitution, giving women of all races the right to vote; and notwithstanding strong Democrat opposition, this Republican-sponsored amendment was ratified in 1920.

This year also marks the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, a watershed of the modern-day civil rights movement. That Supreme Court decision was written by former Republican Governor and GOP vice presidential candidate Earl Warren, who was appointed Chief Justice by Republican President Eisenhower.

Some additional key dates to observe during Black History Month:

February 3, 1870 - Republican-sponsored 15th Amendment is ratified, extending right to vote to all Americans regardless of race

February 5, 1866 - Republican U.S. Rep. Thaddeus Stevens (PA) introduces legislation, opposed by Democrat President Andrew Johnson and never enacted, to implement "40 acres and a mule" relief by distributing land to former slaves

February 12, 1909 - African-American Republicans and women's suffragists Ida Wells and Mary Terrell join as founders of the NAACP, on the 100th anniversary of Republican Abraham Lincoln's birth

February 20, 1895 - Death of Republican activist, escaped slave, author, abolition leader, and civil rights champion Frederick Douglass

February 21, 1863 - Republican Governor John Andrew establishes the famous 54th Massachusetts Regiment of African-American U. S. troops, in which two of Frederick Douglass' sons served during the Civil War

February 24, 1992 - President George H. W. Bush appoints African-American Edward Perkins as Ambassador to the United Nations
February 25, 1870 - A former slave, Republican Hiram Revels (MS), becomes the first African-American U.S. Senator
Black History Month should draw our attention to events not just during February, but year-round. Some additional highlights to note throughout the year:
January 1, 1863 - Emancipation Proclamation takes effect

January 22, 2001 - Condoleezza Rice becomes the first black, female
National Security Advisor for President George W. Bush (the first black National Security Advisor was General Colin Powell appointed by President George H. W. Bush)

January 31, 1865 - 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by the U. S. House of Representatives

April 15, 1929 - Republican Representative, Oscar De Priest, becomes the first African-American in Congress since 1901

May 6, 1960 - To protect African-Americans' right to vote, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower signs the Republicans' Civil Rights Act of 1960

May 10, 1866 - U.S. House of Representatives passes the Republicans' 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection under the law to all citizens

July 1, 1991 - Republican President George H. W. Bush appoints Clarence Thomas to the United States Supreme Court

July 2, 1964 - Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting racial discrimination in public places and guaranteeing equal employment opportunities, is signed into law with 90% Republicans in favor versus only 60% of Democrats

September 9, 1957 - Republican President Dwight Eisenhower signs the Republicans' 1957 Civil Rights Act

October 19, 1870 - Winning three of the four congressional seats for the state of South Carolina, Joseph Rainey, Robert DeLarge and Robert B. Elliott became the first African-Americans elected to the House of Representatives; Rainey was the first African-American seated in the House (all Republicans)

October 26, 1919 - Republican Edward Brooke, who would become the first African-American elected to the U.S. Senate by popular vote in 1966, is born in Newton, Massachusetts

December 9, 1872 - Republican Pinckney Pinchback of Louisiana becomes the nation's first African-American governor

December 15, 2000 - Republican President-elect George W. Bush nominates Colin Powell for Secretary of State, the first black to ever hold this position.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Now It's Time To Say Goodbye...

I've decided to give Andrew Sullivan the boot from my site. His screeds, I mean writing has become more and more idiotic and bloviated. And now he's pandering for dough. He represents everything wrong with the gay community today in that he cannot see past his penis and will vote whoever caters to his sexual life--security and safety be damned.

Therefore, he is being replaced by the more reasonable, thoughful and smarter Hugh Hewitt. Please read daily.

It is a shame, Andrew is more handsome, but luckily I don't think with my dick.

The Big Yawn

per Drudge:
Again, if you'd like some real entertainment this evening, check out Trading Spouses on the Fox Network at 8pm.

Facts on the Economy (Dems Hate Facts)

Bouncing through Polipundit, you'll find a link to New England Republican's excellent analysis of Clinton's first term economic record and Bush's first. I'll post the pretty graphs and you can go to the analysis here.

First I'll start with a post I did earlier (with my analysis):

Let's analyze this graph:

1. After the Great Carter Malaise, by 1984, Ronald Reagan had annual GDP growth at 7.2%.
2. When Reagan left office in 1989, GDP growth was at 3.5%.
3. When Bush Sr. left office in 1993, GDP growth was at 3.0%.
4. When Clinton left office in 2001, GDP growth was at 0.75%.
5. With Bush in office in 2004, GDP growth is at 4.7%.

Now for other graphs:

National Reveiw

And he also shows the unemployment rate of other coutries, those "allies" that we should model ourselves after:

Canada - 7.6
Belgium - 8.1
France - 9.4
Germany - 9.3
Spain - 11.3

And the US? 5.5%

Sore Losers

My brother still talks about a stolen election and the haze of conspiracy Michael Moore painted in F9/11 made matters worse. But John Hawkins reminds us of the FACTS (remember, Dems don't like facts):
"Here's a question that the Democrats never really answer; how many times do the exact same ballots have to be recounted before the Democrats will concede that Bush won? Let's recap shall we?

- Bush won the first machine recount.

- Bush won the 2nd machine recount.

- Bush won when the absentee votes were added in. Incidentally, this should have been the end of it according to Florida law written before the election.

- Bush won the recount mandated by the Florida State Supreme Court that was ruled unconstitutional by the USSC 9-0. The USSC then ruled another FSSC recount unconstitutional 7-2 and stopped any further recounts via a 5-4 vote.

- Bush won the recount after the election done by the Miami Herald. Here's a headline and the first paragraph...


Republican George W. Bush's victory in Florida, which gave him the White House, almost certainly would have endured even if a recount stopped by the U.S. Supreme Court had been allowed to go forward."

- Bush also won a 2nd recount done after the election by eight media groups. Here's what the New York Times, certainly not a Bush supporting paper, had to say about that. I am quoting the headline and the first paragraph...

"Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote

A comprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots from last year's presidential election reveals that George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court had allowed the statewide manual recount of the votes that the Florida Supreme Court had ordered to go forward"
Also, if you check out Weapons of Mass Distortion by L Brent Bozell, he does an entire chapter regarding the untold story of the hundreds of thousands of Florida panhandle voters that just didn't vote because the media said Al Gore already won.  Remember, the panhandle is very conservative AND in the Central Time Zone--which means they still had over an hour to vote when all the media outlets said Gore won.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Maybe It's Maybeline!

The Cosmotologist and Plastic Surgeon Conference (AKA the Democratic National Convention) got you down?

Then jump turn to the Fox Network and catch, Trading Spouses: Meet Your New Mommy.

It is a RIOT!

MEDIA UPDATE: NBC and Tom Brokaw did it first! In the opening salvo to the coverage tonight, NBC is now intimating that Kerry is the next Kennedy.

...and Counting

I lived in (West) Germany when this song came out. 99 Days to the election; Neun-und-neunzig Luft Balloons...

Hast Du etwas Zeit fuer mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von neun-und-neunzig Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst Du vielleicht grad' an mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von neun-und-neunzig Luftballons
Und dass sowas von sowas kommt

Neun-und-neunzig Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Hielt man fuer UFOs aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
'ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn's so waer
Dabei war'n da am Horizont
Nur neun-und-neunzig Luftballons

Neun-und-neunzig Duesenjaeger
Jeder war ein grosser Krieger
Hielten sich fuer Captain Kirk
Das gab ein grosses Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fuehlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf neun-und-neunzig Luftballons

Neun-und-neunzig Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich fuer schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer haette das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen neunun neunzig Luftballons

Neun-und-neunzig Luftballons
Neun-und-neunzig Luftballons

Neun-und-neunzig Jahre Krieg
Liessen keinen Platz fuer Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr
Und auch keine Duesenflieger
Heute zieh ich meine Runden
Seh' die Welt in Truemmern liegen
Hab' 'nen Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an Dich und lass' ihn fliegen

Democratic National Quaqmire

Please be sure to balance your information from the DNC infomercial which would appropriately be titled, "Sheep in Wolf's Clothing," trying to obscure John Kerry's 20 years in the US Senate by surrounding him with people in uniform and saying the words "safe" and "secure" as many times as possible in four days.

You can obviously check back here often; check out the blogs listed under my fav'rites; read the news sources I also list and check out Bush's blog here.

Make sure you read Kitty Litter's roundup of events...she's obtained an advanced copy of the DNC ceremonies.


• 6:00pm- Opening---- flag burning ceremony.
• 6:05pm- Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations
• 6:10pm- Secular words by Revs. Jesse Jackson and
Al Sharpton
• 6:30pm- Antiwar concert by Barbra Streisand.
• 6:45pm- Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
• 7:00pm- Tribute to France.
• 7:10pm- Collect offerings for al-Zawahri defense fund.
• 7:30pm- Tribute to Germany.
• 7:45pm- Antiwar rally moderated by Michael Moore.
• 8:25pm- Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
• 8:30pm- Terrorist appeasement workshop.
• 9:00pm- Homosexual marriage ceremony for male and female same-sex partners.
• 9:30pm- CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN strongly urge defeat of President Bush.
• 10:00pm- Posting the Iraqi Colors by Sean Penn and Tim Robbins
• 10:10pm- Reenactment of Kerry's fake medal toss.
• 10:20pm- Solo -- Howard Dean, 'Yeeearrrrrrrg!'
• 10:30pm- Abortion demonstration by N.A.R.A.L.
• 10:40pm- Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
• 10:50pm- Special thanks to the New York Times & Washington Post.
• 11:00pm- Multiple homosexual marriage ceremony for threesomes and other kinky groups.
• 11:15PM- Workshop -- How To Maximize Welfare.
• 11:30pm- Pep rally -- Saddam Hussein Legal Defense Fund.
• 11:50PM- Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
• 12:00pm- Nomination of John Kerry for President.
• 1:00am - Nomination of obscure born loser for Vice-President.
• 2:00am- Rest, Recovery, and Sobering-Up Recess
• 5:00am-- Ted Kennedy will conduct a swimming and water safety class.

Free Speech Zone

Read more ranting here.

New Blogs Listed

I am trying to keep my favorite blogs manageable (some people list hundreds). I promise never to have more than 50, but I did add 7 more today making the total 20. Please enjoy them! They are great!

  • Alpha Patriot

  • Boots & Sabers

  • Left Coast Conservative

  • Little Green Footballs

  • Poliblog

  • USS Clueless

  • Wizbang
  • Have You Been Drinking, Again?

    I am not going to do a Captain's Quarters caption contest or anything, but what other quotes could describe this picture?

    "I want to eat your soul"


    "Stop flenching when I try to kiss you"

    Richard Clarke Is Sorry

    Richard Clarke penned an opinion piece yesterday claiming yet again that he has all the answers and knows better than anyone else all things Terrorism.

    Here is an excellent rebuttal:

    Clarke Tipped in the Wrong Direction: Is warning Osama associates “taking terrorism seriously”?

    By Representative J. D. Hayworth

    In his apology to the families of the victims of 9/11, Richard Clarke said, "Your government failed you. Those entrusted with protecting you failed you, and I failed you."

    The 9/11 Commission's report shows that last statement, "I failed you," to be truer than we knew.

    I encourage every American to read the section in the 9/11 Commission Report titled, "The Desert Camp, February 1999," which can be found beginning on page 137, in chapter four.

    The section discusses a plan by the Clinton administration to target Osama bin Laden while he was at a desert hunting camp in the Afghan desert south of Kandahar. The camp was a favorite of officials from the United Arab Emirates and bin Laden would often visit from his adjacent camp.

    The plan was to hit the camp with cruise missiles when bin Laden was there. However, because of concerns that an Emirati prince or other senior official might be killed in the strike as well, it was never launched.

    This is where the story gets interesting, and I'll let the report speak for itself.

    Even after Bin Ladin's departure from the area, CIA officers hoped he might return, seeing the camp as a magnet that could draw him for as long as it was still set up. The military maintained readiness for another strike opportunity. On March 7, 1999, Clarke called a UAE official to express his concerns about possible associations between Emirati officials and Bin Ladin. Clarke later wrote in a memorandum of this conversation that the call had been approved at an interagency meeting and cleared with the CIA. When the former Bin Ladin unit chief found out about Clarke's call, he questioned CIA officials, who denied having given such a clearance. Imagery confirmed that less than a week after Clarke's phone call the camp was hurriedly dismantled, and the site was deserted. CIA officers, including Deputy Director for Operations Pavitt, were irate. 'Mike' (the CIA's Bin Ladin unit chief) thought the dismantling of the camp erased a possible site for targeting Bin Ladin.

    Clarke's phone call was the equivalent of sending bin Laden a telegram saying, "We know all about the camp and we're watching it." It may have cost us a chance to eliminate bin Laden before 9/11, which could have disrupted al Qaeda's plans and forestalled the attack.

    Richard Clarke has condemned the Bush administration for not taking the war on terror seriously. Is tipping off the Emiratis about the hunting camp and their association with bin Laden taking terrorism seriously? After this devastating revelation, hopefully we'll hear no more from Mr. Clarke.

    However, I do see a future for him as a Kerry foreign-policy adviser. Let's see: Joe Wilson the fabricator. Sandy Berger the inadvertent thief. Richard Clarke the tipster.

    Looks like he'd fit right in.

    — The Honorable J. D. Hayworth is a Republican congressman from Arizona's 5th district.

    More on Those "Foreign Leaders for Kerry"

    Jerusalem ( - Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is waiting out the U.S. presidential election in the hopes that George W. Bush will be voted out of office, the head of Israel's military intelligence said.

    Faced with growing internal unrest in the PA and among members of his Fatah faction, Arafat has nevertheless refused to implement meaningful security reforms as demanded by Egypt and the Quartet - the U.S., European Union, United Nations, and Russia.

    In remarks over the weekend, Arafat said there was no crisis in the PA. He said Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei, who tried to resign but was denied by Arafat, never asked for control of the security services - a key Quartet demand.

    One cause of the growing turmoil within the PA is a decision by Arafat to "sit and do nothing" until after the U.S. elections, military intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Aharon Ze'evi told cabinet ministers on Sunday.

    Read more here.

    Also look below about how more people of Jewish faith are warming up to George W. Bush.

    UPDATE: The Italians want a vote too! 100 leftist, Italian politicians wrote a letter to Ralph Nader asking him to drop out of the race because they don't want George Bush to win:
    "Precisely because, as Europeans, we are also committed to the United States ... we ask you today not to give George W. Bush a second chance, which would be costly for your country and the whole international community," the letter said.

    "In a world which is ever more interdependent, the choice that will guide the most powerful country on Earth will have deep and durable repercussions," it said.

    "Which is why we ask you to withdraw your candidacy for the White House and give your support, even with reservations, to John F. Kerry."
    This is reason enough to vote for George W. Bush and tell those EuroUnion jerks to (in the words of Ms. Heinz-Kerry) "Shove it!"

    Sunday, July 25, 2004

    Jews for Bush

    I believe that people of Jewish faith understand the stakes of this election better than most because of Israel's decades battle against the same people.

    John Kerry, if promised peace during his tenure, will sell Israel out to the terrorists, the UN and the EU. Ed Koch, Jewish, Democratic former Mayor of NYC agrees:

    Why Bush Must Be Re-elected
    Edward I. Koch
    Thursday, July 22, 2004

    I support the re-election of President George W. Bush. Why? Because I believe one issue overwhelms all others: the president’s strong commitment to fight the forces of international terrorism regardless of the cost or how long it takes to achieve victory.

    I do not agree with President Bush on a single major domestic issue, but in my view those issues pale in comparison with the threat of international terrorism. Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the evil poster boys of mass murder, are revered and supported by millions of Muslims throughout the world. The stated goal of al-Qaida and its supporters is to kill or convert every infidel, and that means Jews, Christians, Buddhists and everyone else who will not accept Islam’s supremacy.

    These terrorists are convinced that non-Islamic nations do not have the will and courage to persevere in this ongoing struggle, which could last decades. They believe the democracies are weak-willed and will ultimately yield to whatever demands are made upon them.

    By withdrawing their troops from Iraq in response to terrorist attacks, Spain and the Philippines have already shown that, tragically, terror tactics, including suicide attacks, car bombings and the beheading of innocent civilians, do work.

    The terrorists also intend to destroy moderate Muslim governments that want to live in peace with countries that are not Islamic.

    Shortly after 9/11, President Bush announced his commitment to the struggle against Islamic fanatics, who believe they can destroy the values of Western civilization and democratic governments everywhere. On entering this war against terrorism after 9/11, President Bush said, “We shall go after the terrorists and the countries that harbor them.”

    This Bush Doctrine rivals in importance the Monroe Doctrine, which limited the colonization efforts of foreign powers in the Western Hemisphere, and the Truman Doctrine, which contained the spread of Communism. President Bush has proven that he is prepared to keep to his commitment to fight terrorism.
    Read More here.

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