Thursday, July 01, 2004

Where the Money Is...

CNSNews reports that Jesse Jackson is now going after NASCAR for not having enough black drivers stating, "negroes can drive cars fast." What cars, Jesse? Gettaway cars?

I had brunch with my grandfather several months ago and Jesse Jackson came up. My flippant (and accurate) response was, "he's a criminal." I usually respect my grandfather's democratic leanings. He did tell me a story when a black man died at the hands of officers in Cochise County, AZ. And no investigation was done into the death until Jesse Jackson came to Sierra Vista, AZ, and spoke out.

This is the kind of story I respect; anyone's death should be investigated and the fact it wasn't speaks to the racism of the time. But Jesse Jackson is still a criminal. Why NASCAR? One, Jesse Jackson wants to infultrate the political phenom of, "NASCAR dads." NASCAR dads (the notties version of the nineties "Soccer moms") are conservative and Jesse Jackson wants to paint them as racists to discredit their political leanings.

Also, NASCAR stopped funding Jesse Jackson's PUSH coalition in 2003. I believe this is the primary reason for his new cause: money. When NASCAR finally stopped donating money to Jesse Jackson, they are racists.

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