Thursday, June 24, 2004

Red Line Rants

Red Line Rants has become one of my daily must reads since Kitty Litter directed me to it. For those outside the Beltway, the Red Line is the main subway artery that I ride twice a day! Bookmark it and blogroll it! Here is a taste of the witty punditry:
The more Al Gore speaks, the better for Republicans. His rants are so far out there that even liberal Democrats can't stand it when he picks up a microphone:
"In an hour-long address punctuated by polite laughter and applause, Gore also accused the Bush administration of working closely "with a network of 'rapid response' digital Brown Shirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for 'undermining support for our troops."'
I applaud him for his creative non-use of the word "Nazi."

Either he's become a nutcase, or he was one all along and managed to hide it from the public eye.

This paragraph is typical of a Reuter's release:
Gore, a Democrat who lost to Bush in a White House race ultimately decided by the Supreme Court despite winning the popular vote in 2000, cited the recent report by the Sept. 11 commission saying no credible evidence existed of a link between the Iraqi leader and bin Laden.
First of all, the Supreme Court didn't decide the 2000 election -- the Electoral College did. Second of all, there is no such thing as a "popular vote." I understand it must be hard for Reuters, being foreign and all, to understand our political system (there are plenty of Americans who don't get it), but this isn't a small point: we're a republic, not a democracy. And finally, the 9/11 Commission did not say that there was no credible evidence of a link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. On the contrary, in statements 15 and 16, they detail the sordid history of the two camps. They say there hasn't been credible evidence that Iraq was directly involved in the September 11 attacks, but nobody ever said that they were.

Al Gore and Reuters... neither have much need for little things called "facts."

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