This whole, "Gay boy stuggles in Middle America," crap is getting old. Gay people stuggle no matter where they live. But the Washington Post found another cute, all-American, boy who is willing to talk about his sexual experiences at 16.
Did the Washington Post write articles about 16 year old women's sex life before 1919? Did any newspaper? Isn't it child pornography to discuss his sexual trist at 16???
This is nothing but pandering.
Pandering to whom exactly? As someone who was born in the Bronx, grew up in upstate New York, went to school in Pennsylvania and have lived and worked in New York City ever since, I welcome insight into being gay in other parts of the country, whether Oklahoma or Wyoming (where Matthew Shephard was murdered) or pretty much anywhere else except San Francisco (and any journalism that helps smash that stereotype is most welcome).
First, I am from Oklahoma, Second I am not gay. With that out of the way, this story reads more like a hit piece on Oklahomans. The Washington Post makes it seem like Oklahoman go out and pick on gay people for fun. People are supposed to treat gay Americans the same as straight American, but why is it ok to make fun of someone because he like country music and drives a pickup truck. The President is picked on more for his southern charm than 17-year-old Michael Shackelford is picked on because he is gay. There are many gay people in Oklahoma; this is really a smear piece on rural Oklahoma. Maybe these people in this rural Oklahoma town are pro-straight and not anti-gay. Maybe we should call baby killers, anti-life instead of pro-choice.
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