Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Treacherous Electioneering by Who Else? Democrats...

Remember that "bi-partisan" letter from members of congress sent to the United Nations asking for them to interfere in our sovereign elections? Well the names are back and they are all democrats...what a surprise!

Here is the response:
"Let me get this straight," wrote Joe Mariani in "A group of Democrats want to bring some people from countries like North Korea, Iran, Syria, China and Cuba – people that have never seen a democratic election in their lifetimes – to sit in judgment on our elections? What kind of voodoo politics is that? The last time a foreign body had any direct influence over the political process of this country, the situation was corrected by a war for our freedom from British rule. Are these so-called Americans so willing to surrender that hard-won right of self-determination now, and to such a shamelessly scandal-ridden group of anti-American dictatorships and terrorist sympathizers? We may as well dissolve the Union now and save ourselves the pain of watching it done for us."
Thank God for people in the government that remember we are not subordinate to the United Nations. And the fact that this is a who's who of black members of congress shouldn't surprise anyone either. My people put all their eggs in one basket and lost; we will continue to lose until these Black Brahmins are given a what-for and given the boot butt-good.

Eddie Bernice Johnson (Tex.)
Named as Crush Kerry's "Judge Smails Baffoon of the Week" for this week.

Joseph Crowley (N.Y.)

Raul Grijalva (Ariz.)

Danny Davis (Ill.)

Corrine Brown (Fla.)

Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.)

Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.)

Michael Honda (Calif.)

Elijah Cummings (Md.)

Julia Carson (Ind.)

Edolphus Towns (N.Y.)

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